If you want to have a referral link together with sharing icons showing to customers after their successful order, you can do so by following the guide below:
1. Install the free Popup maker plugin for your site.
2. Create a new popup, and for “conditions” set Is endpoint to order-received. As shown in the image below.
3. For content, you can add some text explaining the process and then add the shortcode: [WOO_GENS_RAF_ADVANCE url=”http://someurlyouwanttoshare.com”] below it. You should see something like the image below:
4. Under triggers, choose auto open and 500ms delay. You can remove the cookies if you want the share popup to appear every time. That’s it.
Now, after every successful order, the user will see their referral link and will have the ability to share it. For advanced shortcodes, you can also specify which URL to share. Usually, it would be a landing page, website’s home page, or product you would want to market.